Children’s Home School sponsorship program

Support a child at the orphanage cost ($30.00 per child)

School expenses at the Casa

  • We have four full-time teachers to teach the students that cannot attend public school and to function as tutors for all the kids. ($50.00 per month)
  • Supplies for the classes and students at the house. Primary and Secondary School Expenses ($60.00 per month) We currently have 18 children at this level.
  • College Expenses (100.00 per month) We currently have 1 child at that level with two more starting in the fall of 2024.

The days have been hot and good at the Casa. We now have 30 children and teenagers and have found ourselves in need of hiring additional teachers and kitchen staff as the work was becoming heavy for the adults who oversee the house on a daily basis

This has been a very good decision! Without a doubt, God has sent us just the people we need! Now the kiddos have a physical education teacher, Josué. Their Spanish teacher is now Blanca Elena, since our Evelyn returned to face-to-face classes at the university. Elena, a certified teacher, has come with great enthusiasm to work with the kids and is always willing to do what is necessary for them.

Luis, also a graduate in education pedagogy, has several years of experience. He was commissioned by our mayor to provide his services here in the house and his presence has enriched us all. He teaches classes on biology, geography, and ethics and values. He was also the choreographer for the folk dances on Independence  Day.

Having more teachers in the home has allowed Jon and Brennan to have a break from teaching every other day and they are using their “free-time” to work in other areas of the Casa. We thank God for everyone’s life because they have formed a very special team

Uri, David’s sister, has also joined our team to support Doña Rosy in the kitchen and has been a great help to everyone here as well.

 Our construction team consists of René, Alfonso, and Jaciel who are not only here as employees, but also as part of our family. They are always ready and willing to do what is necessary when it is required

We thank God that we have been able to support many minors in a state of vulnerability but having more beneficiaries has required more qualified staff to be able to support them in the best way possible so that they can develop their full potential. Due to our ever-growing family, the space that we originally considered for the new home is no longer enough as we have several groups of children separated according to their academic level. Because of this we now have the need for a second floor with more classrooms and bedrooms. In addition to classrooms and bedrooms, the second floor will consist of workshops to practice sewing, carpentry, pyrography, haircutting, and more, for our children and teens to learn the valuable skills of a trade. Our goal is for everyone in the home to eventually to go to college, but if that is not possible, a trade will help them get ahead in life

We take this opportunity to thank you for your prayers and your continued support, however, we are still in need of more financial support in order to achieve these goals. If you or someone you know is interested in supporting us, prayerfully consider doing so. Any help will be a blessing

For more information you can contact Roger Tomlinson at: or you can visit our website at:

And answering the King, he will say to them: Truly I tell you that as soon as you did it to one of these, my younger brothers, you did it to me.

  • We have four full-time teachers to teach the students that cannot attend public school and to function as tutors for all the kids. ($50.00 per month)
  • Supplies for the classes and students at the house. Primary and Secondary School Expenses ($60.00 per month) We currently have 18 children at this level.
  • College Expenses (100.00 per month) We currently have 1 child at that level with two more starting in the fall of 2024.

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